In 1894, the Gallaudet football team was playing against another deaf team. Paul Hubbard, the quarterback didn't want to risk the other team seeing him using ASL to explain the play to his teammates, sohe asked them to form a tight circle formation, now known as a huddle. What is huddl...
(technology)Without audio capability. Hidden,unseen. Of an edit or change to a text, not explicitly acknowledged. Not implying significant modifications which would affect a peptide sequence. Undiagnosed or undetected because of an absence of symptoms. ...
A tale of two Japanese “because” words:… The Japanese volitional form (~しよう、〜しましょう): much… Japanese honorific prefixes お and ご (‘O’… Japanese phrase 〜として (~toshite) [including としても and としては] Three expressions in Japanese for “by the way” Different...
When several objects are compared, the superlative degree of the adjective is used to express the highest or the lowest possible degree of the adjective. The usual method of comparing an adjective is to add er to the positive to form the comparative, and est to form the superlative. ...
この料理は、少し辛いです。 この道はあまり広くないです。 この道は少し狭いです。 In the first case the adjectives are the same, in the second case the second adjective is opposite. Why? Is there any rule about this? ichi_yu
A striking finding revealed by our data is the clear role that PAs and PANs play in building a conversational turn. Nearly all PAs and PANs form prosodic units of their own (71% of PAs and 91% of PANs), and of these, many are turns in and of themselves, as in the boldfaced lines...