续表续表Adjective Comparative Superlative形容词比较级最高级double the consonant以"一个元音字母+Short adjectives ending double the consonant双写辅音双写辅音一个辅音字母"结尾in a vowel + a consonant+er+ est字母 +er字母 +est的短的形容词big+bigger→biggest大的更大的最大的slim→slimmer→slimmest苗条的...
【题目】 Double the final consonant and add -er if the adjective ends in a single vowel and a consonant.Some common two-syllable adjectives ending i n an unstressed syllable(such as simple, clever,or quiet) form the comparative with -er or -r.C hange final -y -to -ier.Other ...
2.When using superlative adjectives, it is considered nonstandard to use both the-estending and the wordmostorleastat the same time. You should generally use an adjective’s standard superlative form, although sometimes people may intentionally break the rules for comedic or rhetorical effect. If...
If a 1-syllable adjective ends in "y", the endings are "-er" and "-est", but the y is sometimes changed to an "i". For example: dry, drier, driest. If a 1-syllable adjective ends in a consonant (with a single vowel preceding it), then the consonant is doubled and the endi...
英语翻译Double the final consonant and add -er if the adjective ends in a single vowel and a consonant.Some common two-syllable adjectives ending in an unstressed syllable(such as simple,clever,or quiet) form the comparative with -er or -r.Change
Double the final consonant and add -er if the adjective ends in a single vowel and a consonant.Some common two-syllable adjectives ending in an unstressed syllable(such as simple,clever,or quiet) form the comparative with -er or -r.Change final -y -to -ier.Other adjectives,particularly ...
较漂亮的→ prettiest 最漂亮的Short adjectives ending in a vowel + a consonant double the consonant + er double the consonant + est以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的双写辅音字母加-er双写辅音字母加-est短形容词big 大的→ bigger 更大的,较大的→ biggest 最大的slim 苗条的→ slimmer 更苗条的,...
If an adjective ends in any vowel, add – s to make it plural. If an adjective ends in any consonant, add – es to make it plural. When you create the plural form of an adjective that ends in – z, don't forget the rule that “ z changes to c when followed by e.” ...
Here the last vowel is doubled.Example: • Fat fatter than the fattestc) Adjectives ending in Y are preceded by a consonant.Change Y into I before er and est.Example: • happy happier than the happiest.Exceptions: • Shy shyer than the shyest• Gray grayer than the grayest 6. ...
Heart and hard both have the same vowel sound in the middle, so you have to say the end consonant clearly, so people can understand the word! Har-T har-D. Are you Mexican? Ronnie Hi Ronnie, Thank you for answering my question about hot,heart,hard.I’m fom Turkey.I’m good at ...