An adjective clause must have the two parts that every clause has: a subject(what the clause is about)and a verb(what the subject is doing). The subject of an adjective clause depends on whether it begins with a pronoun or anadverb. a. Adjective Clause beginning with a Pronoun When an ...
What is a noun? Give some examples. What's a compound word? What type of noun is 'words'? What is the function of adverbs and adjectives? What are the types of descriptive adjectives? What does an adjective clause do? Is 'novel' an adjective?
1. Which of the examples is NOT a restrictive adjective clause? A teenager who refuses to go out on Friday night can be an outcast. She wanted the car that her friend was driving. The house that is on the corner is the one we are hoping to buy. ...
While most of the time relative clauses are introduced by relative pronouns, sometimes they are introduced by relative adverbs (where, when, why). Here are some examples. Notice that the clause is still modifying a noun.This is the park where we played. Tuesday is the day when we have ...
clause从句sentencesadjective定语types TypesofsentencesW•KindsofSentences–Simplesentences–Compoundsentences–Complexsentences–Compound-complexsentences•Review•Clauses•Adjectiveclauses•SentenceproblemscontentsGroupdiscussion•Full-timeuniversitystudentsneedtospendalotoftimestudying,butitisessentialtoinvolveother...
Predicate Adjectives: More ExamplesPredicate adjectives also can modify pronouns. In addition, note how a sentence can include multiple predicate adjectives, a long predicate adjective phrase, or predicate adjectives in more than one clause.You are generous, humble, and kind. (three predicate ...
•Review•Clauses•Adjectiveclauses•Sentenceproblems Groupdiscussion • Full-timeuniversitystudentsneedtospendalotoftimestudying,butitisessentialtoinvolveotheractivities.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?MoreExamples 侧重一边outweigh 1.Frommypointofview,itismoreadvisabletochooseAthantochooseB.2.ThoughAhas...
Give some examples. What is the abstract noun of possess? What are conjunctive adverbs? What are the types of adverb clauses? Is "to" an article or a preposition/adverb? What is the abstract noun of serve? What are some short adverbs? Define compound verb What is a singular verb? What...
For example, the subordinate clause the big house may be seen as a single noun phrase, with 'the' and 'big' being pre-modifiers to the head noun 'house'. In contrast to more modern theories, they would view this as a determiner phrase (if there's a determiner involved) and only a ...
Find the answers withPractical English Usageonline, your indispensable guide to problems in English. (of food or drink)not eaten or drunk She left her meal untouched. not changed in any way The final clause in the contract will be left untouched. ...