ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB? CHOOSE THE RIGHT ALTERNATIVE AND FILL IN THE BLANKS Level:elementary Age: 8-17 Downloads:1285 Copyright 10/2/2009 MEHMET GÜL Publication or redistribution of any part of this document is forbidden without authorization of the copyright owner. website see more worksheets ...
1. Complete each sentence using the words from the table in the correct adjective or adverb forms. 1. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very. 2. Tom doesn't take risks when he's driving. He's always. 3. Sally works. She never seems to stop. 4. Alice and Stan are very...
5.26Noun,adjective,verboradverb? Topic:Weather Subtopic:Water Activitytype/skill:Identifyingpartsofspeech Literacyfocus:Vocabulary Objective Becomefamiliarwithdifferentformsoftargetvocabulary. Whatyouneed Studentworksheet(seenextpage) Whattodo 1.Lookatthefirstpageofthestudentworksheet.Thechartlistsdifferentformsof12...
Adjective or Adverb
Adverb or Adjective? Level:elementary Age:14-17 Downloads:768 ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB - EXERCISES (B&W VERSION+KEY INCLUDED) Level:elementary Age:11-14 Downloads:608 ADJECTIVES OR ADVERBS? Level:intermediate Age:12-17 Downloads:582 ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB? (B&W VERSION INCLUDED) ...
'N a me '7' M D ateLESSON PRACTICE WORKSHEET A COPYMASTERSuffixes: Adjective and AdverbDirections: Cembine each underlined base word with a suffix in the chart to form a new word. Write the word on the line to complete the sentence.—ible -fu/ —ish —Ward —a/ ~antti motion of ...