My original Nike Free 3.0 I believe is no longer being in production (Bought them very cheap in Korea at a duty free Nike Premium Outlet a year ago and I really love them). The new Free lines somehow does not feel as comfortable as the original and I am really sorry Nike dropped the...
"I moved to London from my home town of Ipswich to go to college and I landed a part time job in Reckless Records, Soho, which is or was one of the best sources of second‑hand records, especially at that time. The store sent a couple of us record‑buying in the States in 199...
“When we look at people in the cities, they’re always ‘on’ and are generally craving an outlet to recharge and become a better version of themselves. Diplo is a great example of that. This guy DJs around the word until 6:30am and is on such a high leaving the concerts that when...
me his address in Detroit. So we went there and we met up with the original pioneers of techno; they were really good to us and we stayed with them for a while. When we went back to Chicago we stumbled on this warehouse, Barney's Warehouse, which was a huge distribution outlet. We...