adidas 阿迪达斯 TERREX TRAIL CROSS SL 男子徒步鞋 *2件. adidas 阿迪达斯 TERREX TRAIL CROSS SL 男子徒步鞋,采用网眼鞋面和熔断饰面,中底为Pro-Moderator解构,搭配弹力束扣鞋带,贴合舒适。Stealth橡胶外底,适合骑行和徒步穿
Gear up with men's outdoor clothes and shoes at adidas. Browse durable apparel, footwear and accessories built to keep you comfortable outside.
Find men's Terrex clothes and shoes at adidas. Go further with outdoor apparel, hiking boots, trail runners and more built tough for outdoor adventures.
【评测】Adidas.. 去年欧洲展上Terrex就已经与大家见过面了,从那个时候开始我就一直穿着这双鞋以便彻底感受其性能表现。这款高帮鞋搭配了来自FiveTen的Stealth Rubber鞋底(Adidas已经收购了F
adidas 阿迪达斯 TERREX TRAIL CROSS SL 男子徒步鞋,采用网眼鞋面和熔断饰面,中底为Pro-Moderator解构,搭配弹力束扣鞋带,贴合舒适。Stealth橡胶外底,适合骑行和徒步穿着。 规格查看更多 尺码 40 货号 S80797 适用人群 男士 品牌 adidas NEO 19521人关注
Discover men's hiking shoes at adidas. From jaunts on the trail to technical assents, find boots and shoes with the traction and support you need.
Trailcross Protect拥有Terrex家族式外观,整体线条简洁,富有动感。魔术贴上的“460”和后面鞋提处的“460”标识,显示鞋的重量仅为460克,对十分消耗体力的户外运动而言,轻量化的设计在运动过程中更加轻松自如。对山地越野而言,轻负重会使得骑行时间更长更持久。
Adidas' Terrex Trail Cross Protect shoe What Mountain Bike The sole uses the same Stealth rubber compound that's found on Five Tens What Mountain Bike Following in the footsteps of Adidas’ well-regarded Terrex Trail Cross SL comes this new high top MTB shoe. The sole is identical...
Our clothing and shoe categories Cycling Gear Hiking Boots Waterproof Shoes Waterproof Hiking Shoes Outdoor Jackets Hiking Shoes Cycling Shorts Hiking Pants Five Ten Mountain Bike Shoes Terrex Hiking Shoes Hiking Gear Waterproof Boots Hiking Clothing Cycling Clothing Climbing Gear Terrex Trail Running ...
Shop for men's Five Ten clothes and shoes at adidas. Hit the trail with rugged outdoor apparel and footwear for hiking, mountain biking and climbing.