eBay adidas I-5923 Shoes Women's ¥39.99美 去购买 可惜的是当时满55美金-10美金的优惠码已经失效了,不然估计还要划算。二、转运 转运用的是转运四方的IES电商经济路线,估计接下来会写一篇文章和海带宝的EBAY“免费”路线做个对比评测。 美国时间5月15日到达转运仓,我北京时间5月25日收到货,可以说非常神速...
adidas ▶ Shower-ready slides with a soft, contoured footbed. ▶ Model: vivid red/cloud white/vivid red GZ5923
which are women’s models, but let us know if you’re a fan of these pairs and if you’d like to see a men’s version in the comments. In the meantime, check out the newtonal suede colorways of Nike’s Air Force 1 High.