ADI is a leading global distributor of security, AV and low-voltage products serving more than 110,000+ customers around the globe. In 2024, Snap One became part of ADI to expand our smart technology portfolio and broaden our distribution capabilities. ...
商标名称 ADI GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION 申请号 8494218 国际分类 35类-广告销售 商标分类表 商标状态 已注册 申请日期 2010-07-20 申请人 安定宝有限公司 ADEMCO INC. 查看此申请人的商标分析报告 代理机构 北京铸成联合知识产权代理有限公司 查看此代理机构下的所有商标 商标类型 普通商标 是否共有商标 否 专用...
ADI Adds VivotekThe article reports on the move of Melville, New York-based Ademco Distribution Inc. (ADI) to expand its internet protocol (IP) offerings by including the solutions from Vivotek Inc.Systems Contractor News
Title: ADI Global Distribution Description: ADI is the leading global wholesale distributor of security and low voltage products with more than 200 worldwide locations to serve you. Created: 02 September 1998 Expires: 01 September 2020 Owner: Ademco, Inc. Whois Domain Name: Regist...