Elevate your brand's presence at Adhesives & Bonding Expo Europe by securing your stand today! As a premier industry event, this is your exclusive opportunity to showcase your company's innovations, connect with influential leaders, and position yourself as a thought leader in the industrial bo...
Adhesivesand & Bonding Expo-Europe在欧洲胶粘剂和粘接展览会(12月3日至5日,德国斯图加特)上推出了世界上第一个也是唯一一个完全循环、可持续的开孔胶粘剂和粘接 Adhesivesand & Bonding Expo-Europe 。获得专利的 Adhesivesand & Bonding Expo-Europe 技术可在床上用品、家具、汽车和航空电子设备领域实现循环生产。
AdhesivesBonding Expo源于美国,吸引了众多的业内领头企业参展包括:3M, Bostik(波士胶)、H . B . Fuller(富乐)、Mactac(麦可贴)、AveryDennison Corp(艾利丹尼森)、Jowat Corp(胶王)、 Apple, Boeing, General Motors, Honeywell, Michelin,Procter & Gamble,得益于北美的成功展出,主办方将AdhesivesBonding...
Adhesives & Bonding Expo is North America’s largest event for industrial bonding technology. It’s where manufacturers and buyers of cutting-edge solutions come together to do business face-to-face. The adhesives and sealants industry plays a crucial role in many market segments and applications....
德国斯图加特胶粘剂和粘接展览会(Adhesivesand & Bonding Expo-Europe)是欧洲最大规模、最具影响力的胶粘剂和粘接产品技术与行业供应商展览会,欧洲专门为胶粘剂和粘接产品技术、胶黏剂技术产品的制造商和买家以及整个胶粘剂和粘接供应链参加的贸易展会和会议。
美国胶粘剂及密封展览会(Adhesives Bonding Expo)以胶粘剂、密封剂、胶粘带为一体的专业展览会。极大地推动了行业的国际交流及贸易的发展。 展会时间:2024年06月25日-06月27日 所属行业:胶粘剂及密封剂 展会地址:美国密歇根州诺维会展中心 门票申请:立即申请 ...
上届回顾:Adhesives & Bonding Expo于2024年6月25-27日在底特律诺维顺利举办,现场迎来了5,000+观众,共有388家参展商,平均每家展商获得54条线索,21.5小时交流机会。续展企业243家,续展率达81%。中国展商共有30+,续展率60%。 来自Baumer的CEO Christoph Magnet评价这个展会说:“我的体验非常积极正面。活动组织得非...
2025年美国胶粘剂及密封展览会(Adhesives Bonding Expo),展会时间:2025年06月24日~06月26日,展会地点:美国-密歇根州-46100 Grand River Ave, Novi, MI 48374-诺维会展中心,主办方:Smarter Shows。
Discover the benefits in your free pass to Adhesives & Bonding Expo in Novi, Michigan. Learn more about exhibitors, speakers, and what to expect.
Adhesives & Bonding Expo (ABX) is the largest free trade fair and conference for industrial products and manufacturing. With the addition of its co-located sister brand, Foam Expo, it provides visitors with the opportunity for face-to-face collaboration across the entire supply chain. L&L Produ...