首先,我预约了GP,表达了想要确诊ADHD的愿望。GP给了我三种选择:NHS(等待时间很长,免费)、Right to choose(等待时间长,免费)、私立诊所(等待时间短,自费)。我选择了通过Right to choose转诊到Psychiatry-UK进行确诊。GP直接推荐了这个机构,如果有其他机构也提供Right to choose途径,可以自行要求转诊到特定机构。每个...
可以通过英国公立医疗渠道(NHS)进行前测,然后,如果符合条件,可以被转诊(Referral)到私立机构进行就诊。 这个途径叫Right to choose,所有费用由NHS内部承担,不需要自费。 而我也是幸运的,在得知这个信息后顺利运用了这个途径,全程非自费,在两个月内得到确诊,已经算是我在各个社交平台上了解到的除自费私立外最快的。
1. NHS下属的专科医生,免费,等待时间3年; 2. 通过Right to choose转诊与NHS合作的机构,免费,等待时间6个月; 3. NHS转诊其他专科医生机构,收费较高,等待时间一两周。 *附录 1、英国NHS对ADHD的介绍页面: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/ 2、psychiatry-UK关于ADHD...
但是,根据right to choose,你可以自己选择GP refer的机构,可能会缩短你的等待时间。 我选了refer到psychiatry uk。 走GP的refer是最省钱的方式,你所有的诊断和干预应该都是NHS保险覆盖的,只是要等好久,对于比较着急的人不太合适。 我3月份接到了预约电话,也就是说从去年10到今年...
times for service at an all time high and the need for private adult ADHD assessments are becoming increasingly popular. Patients who have a GP in England can avail their 'Right to Choose' and choose to be sent to a private company.This allows them to get assessed and diagnosed within a ...
THE MOST PERVASIVE PROBLEMS WITH ADHD DIAGNOSIS UK PRIVATE The Most Pervasive Problems With ADHD Diagnosis UK Private September 19, 2024Category:Blog ADHD Diagnosis in the UKIn the UK, you have a legal right to choose who provides your specialist NHS mental health examinations. But not all healt...
The initial few weeks could be difficult and it can be difficult to know if you'll be able be able to take the medication.Fortunately, the UK has a Right to Choose scheme and this means you can take advantage of this to access alternative treatments in the event that you feel your ...
In the UK you can also make an appointment to receive a medical diagnosis through your local NHS. However the process could be lengthy and stressful. You may request a referral for an assessment through the NHS Right to Choose scheme (RTC). This will make the process more simple. This mea...
They also talked about then going onto seek private diagnoses, or via right to choose legislation. The issues of there not being appropriate services to refer into was also raised. Healthcare professionals discussed the problems with secondary care, and in particular shared care agreements. As one...
可以申请right to choose fund在psychiatry uk进行线上问诊。 我就拿着psychiatry-uk, right to choose 的网站链接和填好的量表回去找GP。GP说根据量表结果我确实可能有ADHD,在我的要求下,GP refer我去了psychiatry uk。 在十一月份我接到了psychiatry uk的电话,他们告知我账户信息和密码,并告诉我已经排上队了。