Introduction: Attention鈥揇eficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder encompassing developmentally inappropriate inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and increased impulsivity (DSM-5). Symptoms presentation is different for different stages of life; moreov...
The symptoms of ADHD may also be the result of a number of medical disorders that affect brain function or can be a side effect of various medications. For this reason, health care professionals often perform routine laboratory tests during the initial evaluation to rule out other causes of ADD...
(Childhood maltreatment and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in adults: a large twin study.Psychol Med. 2016 Jul 5:1-10.Capusan AJ, Kuja-Halkola R, Bendtsen P, et al.) 童年期虐待(CM)与儿童和成人ADHD 风险增加有关,但这种关系是因果关系还是家族...
In adults, the symptoms are often more subtle and difficult to pinpoint — for example, hyperactivity sometimes settles into a general feeling of restlessness with age. However, while some childhood symptoms dissipate with time, others evolve and change and emerge. These symptoms can range from ...
而众所周知的是,创伤经验影响大脑神经递质,进而改变大脑结构。ADHD的儿童,在DSM诊断中,被描述为 多...
What are the symptoms of ADHD? According to theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition(DSM-5), which is the gold standard of mental health diagnoses, symptoms of ADD/ADHD include the following: Inattention Often makes careless mistakes or has problems paying attention ...
during a conversation, depending on people). This points out the fact that problems with interpersonal functioning are a major source of impairment in adults with ADHD and it may be easier for them to recognize these aspects rather than the capability of sustaining attention or other symptoms. ...
This pattern helps to explain why diagnostic criteria have historically downplayed female manifestations of ADHD, focusing on overtly behavioral indicators like hyperactivity and the externalizing symptoms that are more common in males. Though the DSM-5 increased the maximum age of onset from 7 to 12...
The new Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) requires the presence of fewer symptoms to make a diagnosis of adult ADHD while the criteria for diagnosis in childhood are unchanged as compared to previous editions. This study examines the prevalence of adults meeting the revised DSM-5 symptoms cutoff...
成人用ADHD诊断性会谈(DiagnosticInterviewforADHDinAdults,DIVA):基于DSM-4-TR的半结构化访谈,目前已被翻译成多种语言。 Conners成人多动症诊断性访谈(CAADIDforDSM-4):半结构化访谈,可有效收集与病史、发展过程、ADHD风险因素和合并精神病理学有关的信息。