attempts19. In summary, ADHD adolescents could be especially prone to intentional (suicide attempts) or semi-intentional (recreational drug use) cases of poisoning, compared to younger children with the disorder and also the general population, and this could be driving in part the higher risk of...
Recently, child psychologists gathered at a summit in Manchester to discuss the rising “medicalization of childhood.” Ritalin – methylphenidate hydrochloride – is considered safe by allopathic standards and time-tested, but is a serious drug with the ability to cause nausea, mood swings, fatigu...
for the Whole Family with Kim West - Exercise for ADHD with Dana Kay - Free ADHD Parent Support Group on Facebook -
& various other online media. She has also been a guest at multiple parenting & ADHD summits & podcasts. Her goal with the Soaring child is to give hope & answers to parents of children with ADHD who are looking for alternative (natural) and effective means of helping them learn to thrive...
Links to the survey were sent to the support groups and posted online. A copy of the information sheet and informed consent was sought at the start of the survey. Participants were then asked to complete the demographic questions, general questions, and the questions from each of the ...