[ADHD Directory: Find an ADHD Specialist or Clinic Near You] Save Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest Previous Article Next Article Tags: 10 Hurdles to Learning, ADDitude on Instagram, August/September 2004 Issue of ADDitude Magazine, diagnosing adults, diagnosing kids, late diagnosis, trea...
“I have had the confidence and focus to build my business into an international company, provide for my family and volunteer at my children’s schools.” “NextStep4ADHD has an entire team of specialist that I can count on to be the best player in the real world” ...
I am kind of worried about what you said, my doc not knowing what to put me on and a possible bad or zombie response to them, but i'm trying to remain hopeful that i'll be able to find something that will work for me as Strattera has for you...some inner calm would be a nice...
‘ADHD specialist’ or a doctor who specialisesin ADHD, they may be more likely to read the symptoms as ADHD. Certainlythey can be an important and wonderful support for kids with ADHD, but always be ready to seek a second opinion if that’s what you need for clarity. Ask as many ...
[ADHD Directory: Find an ADHD Specialist or Clinic Near You] “If you have a child who hyperfocuses on a favorite activity, you’ll need to counter this tendency by being extra-vigilant about limiting the time spent on the activity and about being careful to stick to his schedule,” says...
Sorry, but I think you’re wrong. Even if your study is pre-planned, the risk of producing spurious false-positive results still exists (specially if your p-values are anywhere near 0.05—in which case one in every twenty tests is likely to be a false-positive). See, for example: ...
Your daughter phoned a classmate to set up a play date, and was turned down for the third time. The so-called “friend” told your daughter that she’s weird. [ADHD Directory: Find an ADHD Specialist or Clinic Near You] You are concerned about your job. You were late to work twice ...