Remember, Social Security Disability focuses on functional capacity rather than just being diagnosed with a condition when theymake a disability determination. Or, it may be possible to meet the severity criteria of another listing such as affective disorder (depression, bipolar) or organic brain diso...
and so far I have been diagnosed with multiple different things only to have the next doctor say the previous one was wrong. None of them have yet to be able to explain why I am physically in pain over stupidly simple things like doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. ...
ADHD is a condition that can cause challenges related to attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Although it’s possible for ADHD to qualify a person for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments in some cases, providing the necessary proof to receive them can be difficult. However,...
The economic evaluation will adopt theNational Health Service(NHS)/personal social services perspective preferred by NICE, including health and social care services provided in education settings services, given the age of the population. Resource-use data collected using the CA-SUS will be costed us...
Remember that we are suffering apart and together: There’s a universal feeling of unease right now, which is combined with the loss of usual routines and decreased social, in-person contact. Staying connected to your social network is essential, so help your kids, especially younger ones, con...