可以通过英国公立医疗渠道(NHS)进行前测,然后,如果符合条件,可以被转诊(Referral)到私立机构进行就诊。 这个途径叫Right to choose,所有费用由NHS内部承担,不需要自费。 而我也是幸运的,在得知这个信息后顺利运用了这个途径,全程非自费,在两个月内得到确诊,已经算是我在各个社交平台上了解到的除自费私立外最快的。
一、前言 2024年初,在经历了近一年的漫长等待之后,我终于在英国确诊了混合型ADHD(注意力失调多动障碍)。 大约一年之前,我通过Right to choose转诊到了Psychiatry-UK。 (网址:http://psychiatry-uk.com/right-to-choose/) 由于寻求诊断的人数量众多,我从二月底排队到了一月初。 实际上,把我的等待时间算作一年已...
私立机构也是在right to choose上找的。 我的理解是:去right to choose列表里面的私立机构就诊的好处在于,虽然就诊评估要自费,后续的药物干预一开始也要自费,但是,一旦你确定了自己想要的药物,有一个固定的方案了,就可以通过shared care agreement使用你的NHS保险来覆盖后续干预费用,...
“By limiting a woman’s right to choose, the Supreme Court decision is likely to have chilling effects on the health and mental health of women with ADHD, not just immediately but over the long term.”— Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D.
Concerns have been raised in the media[1] over the quality of assessments for adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the role of the private sector.[2] Patients who feel unable to accept long NHS waiting lists and NHS commissioning bodies (including via "right ...
It’s important to choose the right one to meet your lifestyle, whether you need lots of space for to-do lists or one that focuses on long-term planning. Whether you are an adult, child, or teen with ADHD, there’s a planner out there that can help you stay organized. What is ...
I have two boys with ADHD. I understand the draw of video games. I also know that the right family board game can unlock hours of brain power, imagination, and laughter. Here are 10 of our favorites.By Kendall Newton Verified Updated on November 1, 2022 Click to Add Comments Email ...
How to Choose the Right Health Products With so many health products to choose from, you might find it lengthy just to go over each one so you can find out which one you should really get. That is normal especially if you are aiming to save money and the only way to save is by fin...
附上right to choose的网站: https://adhduk.co.uk/right-to-choose/ 这个网站里面有可以选择的机构,注意机构下面的update会大致告诉你:是否诊断成人/青少年ADHD,是否接受私立途径就诊,以及当前进行就诊需要的等待时间。 我是使用了ADHD360的私立途径,也就是go private,等待了一个月。
For example, many people with hyperactive ADHD are careful to choose a career that does not involve sitting at a desk for long. They might work at a hospital in a job that involves lots of walking or become a salesperson who uses their car as a traveling office. This freedom is not ava...