Of those, 47.2% scored above the threshold for major depressive disorder of the Patient Health Questionnaire depression module. Overall, 41.5% of the sample met the criteria for binge eating disorder assessed with the German version of the Eating Disorder Examination interview. Gambling disorder as ...
[Psychometric properties of the French version of the Wender Utah Rating Scale and Brown's Attention Deficit Disorders Scale for adults]. Encéphale. 2010;36(5):380–9. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Bernstein DP, Fink L. Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. ARetrospective Self-Report. San ...
Before their participation, all participants’ guardians were presented with a transparent description of the research’s objectives and comprehensive details of the questionnaire. Every participant’s parent provided informed written consent particularly mothers, to ensure their understanding and voluntary ...
(18 items)is a questionnaire for screening adul t ADHD. Aim:To test the validity and reliability of the 18一question ASRS—V1.1 Thai version(ASRS—V1.1 TH)as a screening tool for adult ADHD M ethods:The ori ginal 18-question ASRS—V1.1 version was translated into Thai.The process was...
After adjusting the cut‐off level for diagnosis, the frequency of personality disorders found by the SCID screen questionnaire or the interview was almost the same with 58% and 54%, respectively; the overall kappa was 0.7876. We only used the questionnaire data in the present study which does...
Both are trait-like chronic disorders with substantial similarities.To measure the accuracy of the International Personality Disorder Examination screening questionnaire (IPDE-SQ) in identifying ADHD in adults from a psychiatric population.Participants (n=119) from mental health services completed an ADHD...
Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Young Children (STAT) Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ™) A comprehensive autism + ADHD evaluation is informed by autism- and ADHD-specific diagnostic tools. To create as full and clear a picture as possible, evaluation teams frequently assess langua...
The researcher explained to the parents that the adolescents had to fill in the questionnaire alone to ensure their responses were not affected by parents’ presence. Measures The questionnaires were clear and easy to follow, with a readability level of 4.3 grades for parents, and 2.6 grades for...
·V1.1)(18items)isquestionnaire adultADHD. screening Aim:Totestthe and ofthe ASRS—V1.1Thai a validityreliability18一question version(ASRS-V1.1TH)as tooIforadultADHD screening intoThai.The was Methods:The ASRS-V1.1versionwastranslated processcomposed original18一question of ofthe backtranslation....
ADHD diagnosis: as simple as administering a questionnaire or a complex diagnostic process? J Atten Disord. 2016;20(6):478–86. 22. Wasserstein J. Diagnostic issues for adolescents and adults with ADHD. J Clin Psychol. 2005;61(5):535–47. 23. Fields SA, Johnson WM, Hassig MB. Adult ...