St George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, London, UKSteinkopff-VerlagEuropean Child & Adolescent PsychiatryKadesjo B, Janols L-O, Korkman M, Mickelsson K, Strand G, Trillingsgaard A, et al. The FTF (five to fifteen): the development of a parent questionnaire for the...
We assessed parents' satisfaction with melatonin for treatment of sleep problems in children.Methods27 children who were prescribed melatonin by community paediatricians at Bedford, UK were randomly selected. Structured questionnaire was given ... A Gupta,C Varthamanan - 《Archives of Disease in Child...
For family MBI and CAU condition, credibility and expectancy of clinical outcome will be evaluated with the parent-rated 6-item Credibility/Expectancy Questionnaire (CEQ, translation to Dutch by the authors for this study) [77]. The CEQ shows a good internal consistency and test-retest reliability...
Based on the fact that questionnaire data suffer from rater bias and that diverse methods seem to assess partly different constructs, we wanted to examine both the combined effect of subjective and objective measures as well as the unique effects of the objective measures obtained from the QbTest...
or other ADHD scales. If such diagnostic criteria-based measures were unavailable, alternatives including ratings of ADHD behaviours were selected with the following order; i) Conners’ non-DSM subscales; ii) Rutter Scale (hyperactivity subscale) [26] or Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (hype...
Additional measures assessed at baseline and week 12 were the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), for the emotional problems of the child, and the Digit Span Subset of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) for working memory and short-term memory; moreover,...
A study performed in ADHD children under methylphenidate treatment for whom zinc supplementation was added reported no significant effect of zinc supplementation on the total score for a parent’s questionnaire for ADHD or in the hyperactivity and impulsivity subscales. However, zinc-supplemented children...
ADHD; inattention; hyperactivity; impulsivity; rating scale; questionnaire; functioning; animal model; domestic dog1. Introduction Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in humans, with worldwide prevalence estimates around 7.5% in children [1] ...
An autism diagnosis starts with a parent answering a questionnaire about the child, often about behaviors that started when they were very young. Further tests and tools may include more questionnaires, surveys, and checklists, as well as interviews and observed activities. ...
Finally, the study was also limited by the fact that parent psychopathology was assessed using questionnaire measures. 5. Conclusions Overall, findings suggest that DMDD and irritability are common in children with ADHD, linked with substantial functional impairment affecting many aspects of children's...