At the moment, ADHD is treated as something you either have or you don’t. This binary1 approach to diagnosis has two consequences. The first is that treating everyone as if they are ill fills up health-care systems. Waiting lists for ADHD assessments2 in England are up to ten years lon...
Moment-to-moment dynamics of ADHD behaviour in South African children . Behav Brain Funct (2006) 2 :11.10.1186/1744-9081-2-11 [ Cross Ref ]Aase, H., Meyer, A. & Sagvolden, T. (2006). Moment to Moment dynamics of ADHD behavior in South African children. Behavioral and Brain Function...
At the moment, ADHD is treated as something you either have or you don't, which is a binary approach to diagnosis. It has two consequences. The first is that treating everyone as if they are ill fills up health-care systems. The second consequence occurs when ADHD is treated as a disor...
their brains may find it impossible to stay in the moment. Folks with ADHD daydream when they’re bored, and they can also daydream when they’re interested – and all without even trying, as if their minds literally grabbed a jacket and went out for a walk...
ADHD can make certain work tasks difficult, but there are strategies and support options to help you succeed. (Photo Credit: Moment RF/Getty Images) The symptoms of ADHD fit into two categories: problems with attention, or hyperactive behavior such as restlessness and impulsiveness. Researchers kn...
Keep them alive. This feels near impossible many days as their brains are 1000% crazy ideas and 1% “oh that might be dangerous” critical thinking. After a couple midnight joy-rides (and, they are always amazed that I can tell the moment I get in the car that it has been “used”)...
[35] 原文:on the spur of the moment and for ever [36] ?不知道是本什么书,我也有点想看。 [37] 人名、书名:Russel Barkley’s的Taking Charge of Adult ADHD [38] 医学名词:哌甲酯(利他林)和右旋苯丙胺(安非他明)。原文:methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine [39] 原文:the front-line treatments for...
This is how people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) describe what is going on in their heads at any given moment. 这就是患有注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)的人描述他们脑子里某一时刻的想法的方式。 With so many thoughts jostling for attention, it is a struggle to concentrate. App...
Why Gen Z are in crisis across all health metrics ‘If you're newly bereaved, here's my advice’ Your brain on: creating new habits that stick 'I chose to spend Christmas alone for 6 years' Why 'chosen family' Christmases are just as valid ...
ADHD is more than the sum of its symptoms. It touches your life from the moment you wake up to the instant you finally nod off. (In truth, ADHD continues to work its influence while you sleep.) Your health, personality and preferences, friendships and relationships — and truly everything...