If you haveattention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD), you may take medicine to help with things like focus, attention, and hyperactivity. But thatmedicationalso can have side effects, includingweightchanges. Merely having ADHD may lead toweight gain. Not being able to control your impulses can...
Why Medication Doesn’t Always Work Stimulants are the most common and effective drugs forADHD. Stimulants speed up your body’s systems, which can help you focus. Doctors prescribe two types ofstimulants for ADHD: the kind that contains a compound calledmethylphenidateand the kind that contains...
Stimulant ADHD medication — like Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, and others — are generally the first-lineprescribedmedicationtreatment for ADHD. These drugs work by increasing the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain, which helps with focus and attention. ...
The study also reports that children often did not understand their condition or why they were receiving medication. Many children in the study reported that they had little meaningful contact with their doctors. After the initial evaluation, clinic visits tended to focus on side-effect checks durin...
I wonder if taking medication to deal with unconcentration on ADHD would lose hyperfocus, which is considered one of the advantage of ADHD. I understand taking medication on ADHD have a side effect such as nausea or a headache. But how about hyperfocus? Or is it dependent on each medicine?
1. Sustained focus.If the medication is starting to work, your child will be able to focus for longer periods of time than he used to. This doesn’t mean hyperfocus or “zombie focus” — just a sustained focus that he can direct to where he wants it to go, and that makes him ...
and inhibiting actions when alternative solutions might be considered, are underaroused in persons with ADHD. Stimulant medication may work on these same areas of the brain, increasing neural activity to more normal levels. More research is needed, however, to firmly establish the mechanisms of acti...
Given the extreme reaction to his first medication, we decided to trial the intermediate acting one, hoping to get better sleep. And given his reaction of five hours of pressured speech, we decided to start at the lowest dose. So for a week, Super Tall Guy swallowed 10 mg of metadate ...
Lo-Fi Music for Focus: A Game-Changer or Just a Trend? Struggling to focus? Discover how lo-fi beats can help you concentrate, calm your mind, and boost productivity. ADHD Isn’t a Trauma Response I am inundated with Instagram ads telling me that “ADHD is not laziness, it’s a trau...
They also tried the medication route, but had to stop after the prescribed drugs exacerbated the boy's regular migraines, and made him sick. 他们也尝试过吃药,但最终不得不放弃了,因为处方药加剧了欧文定期发作的偏头疼症状,让他恶心想吐。