Over the past few years, working memory has become one of the hottest topics in regards to the neurocognitive functioning of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Working memory has been recently hypothesized as either a core (1) or secondary (2) deficit in these children...
The results showed that ADHD children's blood lead levels were significantly higher than the normal control group the blood lead level of children. The average standard mean difference( SMD) and 95% confidence interval of blood lead were 35. 63( 30. 78,40. 48). Test for overall effect ...
This paper describes the Neuroimaging of the Children’s Attention Project (NICAP), a comprehensive longitudinal multimodal neuroimaging study. Primary aims are to determine how brain structure and function change with age in ADHD, and whether different trajectories of brain development are associated ...
test to analyze a n d d i scuss t h e visual/ aud i · tory attent i on a n d response control a b il i t y by t test a n d F tesL R esults :A bout t h ese 313 children,t h e dif f erence of sex had no signif i ca n t dif- fer e nc.In hyperactivit y ...
test (WA- CPT)in diagnosis of at tention def i cit— hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods Ana l y sis of results of IVA— CPT fo r 100 children wit h suspected A DHD t h at were diagnosed from J an 2009 to Dec 20 10 in H uaibei people’S hospital who main suited wit h ...
A systematic review with meta-analyses was performed to: 1) quantify the association between ADHD and risk of unintentional physical injuries in children/adolescents (“risk analysis”); 2) assess the effect of ADHD medications on this risk (“medication analysis”). We searched 114 databases thro...
Dr. Elman never wants a child to feel under pressure to perform, particularly for gifted testing. She encourages parents to simply tell their children that they are going to do some activities that will help their teachers learn the best way to teach to them. ...
Sustained Attention in Intellectually Gifted Children Assessed Using a Continuous Performance Test Jiannong ShiLong WangWei Chen...Ting Tao Feb 2013 This study aimed to investigate two aspects of sustained attention in intellectually gifted children: first, the differences to intellectually average children...
Children and Ad ults.Connecticut:Yale University Press ,2005 . Brown TE. A ttention.d efi cit D isorders and Co-morbidities in Children ,Ado- le scents, and A dults. W ashington D .C :Ameri can Psychiatri c Press.200 0.5 37 — 56 8. ...
“disordered” is stigmatizing and harmful to children’s self-concept. There is some truth in this concern. One study found that children have more negative attitudes toward a play partner if they are led to believe that their partner has ADHD, regardless of whether or not their partner ...