How Common is ADHD? ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed childhood disorders. Are Boys or Girls Most Frequently Diagnosed with ADHD? Boys are three times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls. However, this discrepancy isn’t necessarily because girls are less susceptible; rath...
At the same time, some of the most common symptoms experienced by those diagnosed with one of these conditions are excluded from the diagnostic criteria altogether. 同时,被诊断患有其中一种疾病的人所经历的一些最常见症状被完全排除在诊断标准之外。 (Problems with emotional regulation are a case in p...
ADHD can be diagnosed alongside other conditions like behavior or conduct disorder, learning disorders, anxiety, or depression. Children with ADHD, specifically, are more likely to be diagnosed with a behavior disorder like Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), than children without ADHD. ODD is one...
A. Many parents have exhausted nutritional approaches, such as eliminating sugar from the diet, before they seek medical attention. However, there are no well-established nutritional interventions that have been consistently demonstrated to be efficacious for assisting the great majority of children with...
How is ADHD diagnosed in children? Children being evaluated for a possible diagnosis of ADHD receive a complete physical exam. The child’s medical history is considered, as well as other conditions that may impact a child’s behavior. Circumstances and medical conditions that could cause si...
having symptoms when they grow up. In addition, people who were never diagnosed as kids may develop more obvious symptoms in adulthood, causing trouble on the job or in relationships. Many adults don’t realize they haveADHD, leaving them mystified about why their goals seem to slip out of ...
ADHDischronically under-diagnosed, especially in women and people of colour. Self-diagnosis as a result of in-depth personal research is, in my opinion, valid to a large extent (especially due to the astronomical NHS waiting times for an ADHD diagnosis). Just keep in mind that it’s a di...
The symptoms of ADHD are genuine and should be taken as seriously as any other condition. Suggesting that it is an ‘overdiagnosed’ condition harms those who have not been able to get a diagnosis and also denies the experience of parents whose children have ADHD. Although there are cases of...
causing 7. diagnosed 8. that 9. may/might/can 10.a【解析】本文介绍了引起儿童多动症的原因。有些专家认为儿童多动症是遗传的,是由于大脑中缺乏某些化学物质造成的。也有一些专家持不同意见,认为环境、社会或家庭因素更有可能是引起多动症的因素。还有人认为是过敏导致儿童的多动症。但不管如何,多动症儿童...
have found thatidentical twins are significantly more likely than fraternal twinsto both be diagnosed with ADHD or display ADHD-like behaviors. There is no single gene that is considered “responsible” for ADHD; rather, like manypsychiatricconditions, it is thought to be linked to many genetic ...