While the AAP guide is clearly for kids, goal-setting for adults with ADHD is not that different. It’s just that with children, the focus is often on academic and social outcomes. For adults, goals generally address employment, financial, and relationship challenges. Whatever goals you zero ...
Parenting children with ADHD can be challenging. Parents of these children are understandably frustrated by their children’s misbehavior. Standard discipline tactics, such as warnings and privilege removal, can feel ineffective for children with ADHD. This often leads to ineffective parenting, such as ...
We used Bayesian meta-analysis, which allows to quantify the evidence in favour of both the null and the alternative hypothesis, and monitor evidence as data accumulate [38], therefore providing more robust results than traditional meta-analyses. The main objectives were: (a) investigating whether ...
Children affected by attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) exhibit several symptoms characterized by inattention, impulsivity and motor hyperactivity that impair both school performance and everyday life. The BRAVO (Beyond the tReatment of the Attention deficit hyperactiVity disOrder) project dealt ...
Would you be willing to make a step by step action plan as you prepare to apply for and start a new job? I want to encourage you to take a step back and contemplate how your career goals may have changed and what you need to do to attain your employment objectives. It is true ...
These problems are reflected in impairment of a person's will or capacity to control his or her own behavior relative to the passage of time and to keep future goals and consequences in mind. ADHD is most commonly diagnosed in children and, over the past decade, has been increasingly diagnos...
Learning Objectives Distinguish childhood behavior disorders from phases of typical child development. Describe the factors contributing to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Understand the controversies surrounding the legitimacy and treatment of childhood behavior disorders ...
Objectives Tertiary education is particularly demanding for students with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), who often struggle with emotion regulation and are at greater risk of internalising disorders compared to their peers. Self-compassion is a skill associated with positive mental health...
Students with high ASE set high goals, exert great effort, and display high motivation when facing difficulties (Mana et al., 2020). By increasing motivation and persistence in mastering academic tasks, ASE encourages the use of acquired knowledge and skills (Bandura, 1993), engagement, and ...
Programmes designed to support children with known, or increased likelihood of, autism or ADHD often focus on reducing behaviours central to a clinical diagnosis. However, supporting children to pursue their own goals and cope with everyday life through fostering executive function (EF) development, ...