Computer Test for ADHDThe article focuses on a computer test for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) performed by Professor Leanne Williams of the University of Sydney's Medical School to prevent the inappropriate treatment of misdiagnosed chi...
calculate_cv_results(test_cv_results) 参考文献: [1] Amirmasoud Ahmadi, Mehrdad Kashefi, Hassan Shahrokhi, and Mohammad Ali Nazari. 2021. Computer aided diagnosis system using deep convolutional neural networks for ADHD subtypes.Biomedical Signal Processing and Control63 (2021), 102227. Crossref ...
It is also worth considering the role of the assessment tools used. The MOXO test, while effective in measuring various dimensions of ADHD symptoms, might be more sensitive to changes in hyperactivity compared to inattention or impulsivity. Differences in test sensitivity could explain why we observe...
or equivalent hyperkinetic syndrome, diagnosis as defined by DSM-III/ICD-9 onwards (any subtype/presentation) or were above cut-off on validated ADHD rating scales, regardless of the presence of common-comorbidities. CCTs must have been implemented using fully computer-based procedures with an adapt...
Tags: computer & video games, treating adults, treating kids Mental Health & ADHD Comorbidities: Read These Next “Inside Video Games, the World Makes Sense.” My Son’s Story of Electronics Addiction and Recovery How to Set Boundaries on Your Child’s Devices Q: “My Son Wants to...
Trained psychologists administered all the neurocognitive tests through individual sessions with the use of dedicated software running on a PC-IBM computer. The first test was an electronic implementation of the classic Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) (Bechara, Damasio, Damasio, & Anderson, 1994; Bechara...
and impulsivity – through a 15-20-minute computer-based test. Results are instantly presented in a report that compares a patient's results with an age and sex-at-birth-matched control group without ADHD. The highly visual representation of symptoms, shown as graphs and images...
Video games Playing with the games console; Playing computer games; Playing games with a mobile/ tablet Work Administration for work; Appointments with clients; Giving lectures/ teaching 2.3. Statistical analyses Statistical analyses were carried out by means of the Statistical Package for the Social ...
Zur klinischen Validität einer computergestützten Aufmerksamkeitstestbatterie für Kinder (KITAP) bei 7-bis 10-jährigen Kindern mit ADHS. Kindheit und Entwicklung. 2009;18:153–61. 28. Renner G, Lessing T, Krampen G, Irblich D. Reliabilität und Retest-Stabilität der„Test...
Twins could also choose to complete the questionnaire via telephone interview with a trained test administrator who recorded the responses using a computer-based questionnaire, supplemented with a self-administered paper questionnaire for sensitive topics. Most responders (72%) completed the questionnaire ...