我们先来了解下工作记忆的基本概念,确保大家不会把工作记忆理解成上班族工作时的记忆。研究工作记忆的心理学家Baddeley指出,工作记忆(Working Memory)是指在信息加工过程中,对信息进行暂时存储和加工的、容量有限的记忆系统。简而言之,工作记忆能力是“短时间内,在脑海里面存储和操作信息的能力”。举个例子:现在我...
3.Breitling-Ziegler C , Tegelbeckers J , Flechtner H H , et al. Economical Assessment of Working Memory and Response Inhibition in ADHD Using a Combined n-back/Nogo Paradigm: An ERP Study[J]. 2020. 4.Ko C H , Yen J...
3.Breitling-Ziegler C , Tegelbeckers J , Flechtner H H , et al. Economical Assessment of Working Memory and Response Inhibition in ADHD Using a Combined n-back/Nogo Paradigm: An ERP Study[J]. 2020. 4.Ko C H , Yen J Y , Yen C F , et al. Brain activation deficit in increased-lo...
Baddeley, A. (2003). Working memory: looking back and looking forward. Nature Reiview Neuroscience, 4(10), 829. Diamond, Adele. (2012). Activities and Programs That Improve Children’s Executive Functions. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 21(5), 335-341. Anderson, Peter J. (20...
Alan Baddeley.(1992).Working Memory: The Interface between Memory and Cognition.Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,4:3, 281-288. 最后,跟大家介绍一下我自己~ 人在风里 我是涛哥,一个研究ADHD (多动症)的ADHDer,我的公众号,叫【ADHD互助联盟】。
Deficits in executive functions, such as working memory and inhibition, and emotion processing domains, such as emotion recognition and regulation, have been well-documented among individuals diagnosed with ADHD. Less work, however, has been done on mechanisms that may underlie these observed deficits...
Baddeley, A. (2003). Working memory: looking back and looking forward. Nature Reiview Neuroscience, 4(10), 829. Diamond, Adele. (2012). Activities and Programs That Improve Children’s Executive Functions. Current Directions in Psychological Sci...
Although not always hand-in-hand, children and adults with ADHD also often have low working memory capacities. Read on for a closer look at the two...
What develops in working memory? A life span perspective. Dev Psychol 1999;35:986–1000. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Roberts RJ, Hager LD, Heron C. Prefrontal cognitive processes: working memory and inhibition in the antisaccade task. J Exp Psychol Gen 1994;123:374–393. Article ...
Combined type ADHD: People with this type of ADHD have both hyperactive/impulsive and inattentive traits. This is the most common form of ADHD. ADHD and Working Memory Studies also suggest that people with ADHD often have significant problems with working memory.3very ...