可以通过英国公立医疗渠道(NHS)进行前测,然后,如果符合条件,可以被转诊(Referral)到私立机构进行就诊。 这个途径叫Right to choose,所有费用由NHS内部承担,不需要自费。 而我也是幸运的,在得知这个信息后顺利运用了这个途径,全程非自费,在两个月内得到确诊,已经算是我在各个社交平台上了解到的除自费私立外最快的。
The NHS pathway to a diagnosis usually involves a GP referral to a specialist psychiatrist - but the process takes an average of seven years. Even then, the criteria used to diagnose ADHD, known as the DSM-5, specifies that adults must display five or more symptoms of inattention and five...