If i change to like 1027 in adguardhome.yaml i am able to open the page but its not connecting. host doubleclick.net results in connection time out, no servers could be reached. sudo ./adguardhome says command not found. tried the solution - I ran sudo systemctl daemon-reload...
[x ] I checked the documentation and found no answer [x ] I checked to make sure that this issue has not already been filed Issue Details Followed the directions athttps://hub.docker.com/r/adguard/adguardhometo install adguard home via docker. Got the error that resolved is running. Foll...
Add SSH command line shortcuts. e.g. sh installer {master|dev|""} {install|update|uninstall|BACKUP|RESTORE} Add selection WebUI port during install, and for WebUI port remembrance - provided it is between the range "3000-65535" and not already in use by another process. Add remote parse...
Don't know how I've managed not to have found this using 'Better' Search... *walks in shame. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Will ask any further questions there. Best regards, Marco RT-AC86U (Main router) AsusWRT-Merlin v386.10 RT-AC68U (AiMesh node) AsusWRT-Merli...
AdGuardHome Command Examples 1. Run AdGuard Home: # AdGuardHome 2. Run AdGuard Home with a specific config: # AdGuardHome --config /path/to/AdGuardHome.yaml 3. Set the work directory for data to be stored in: # AdGuardHome --work-dir /path/to/directory ...
Run the following command in your terminal: curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/master/scripts/install.sh | sh -s -- -v The script also accepts some options: -c <channel>to use specified channel. ...
and then type the following command: Code: env SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl ./dnsproxy -u quic://dns.adguard.com -b No DNS leaks, Simple, and Crisp ___Routers: TP-Link Archer C7 v2-(EU) TP-Link WR840n v3 TP-Link WR740n v5Last edited by MomenMamdouh on Sun Jan 14...
Run the following command in your terminal: curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/master/scripts/install.sh | sh -s -- -v The script also accepts some options: -c <channel> to use specified channel. -r to reinstall AdGuard Home; -u to uninstall ...
There are several ways to install AdGuard Home edition as you can install it on a full operating system, or run it as a Docker container. You can run the container using either the Docker run command or using Docker compose code.
Somehow, even after it appeared that I found a solution, it was not reliable and the next day my WireGuard or OpenVPN server stopped working. I’m sure it would work better if I had a public IP address. I had not problem with Adguard Home for the ~10 days I used the router. ...