那时候只介绍到 SmartDNS,而 SmartDNS 的下层 AdGuard Home 没有来得及介绍,于是这次来介绍一下 0x01.AdGuard Home 官网:https://adguard.com/en/adguard-home/overview.html 仓库:https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardHome AdGuard Home 是一款用于拦截广告和跟踪的全网络软件。设置完成后,它将覆盖所有的家庭设备...
If you want to integrate with AdGuard Home, you can use ourREST API. Alternatively, you can use thispython client, which is used to build theAdGuard Home Hass.io Add-on. Comparing AdGuard Home to other solutions How is this different from public AdGuard DNS servers? Running your own AdGuar...
Install AdGuard Home on your Linux distribution! AdGuard for Windows AdGuard for Mac AdGuard for Android AdGuard for iOS AdGuard Content Blocker AdGuard Browser Extension AdGuard Assistant AdGuard DNS AdGuard Home AdGuard Pro for iOS AdGuard for Safari AdGuard for Android TV AdGuard Temp Mail Ad...
mv AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome /usr/local/AdGuard_Home 下载、解压文件 安装AdGuard Home 到系统中 cd /usr/local/AdGuard_Home ./AdGuardHome --service install 安装AdGuard Home 当提示AdGuard Home is successfully installed and will automatically start on boot.即表示 AdGuard Home 在当前系统上安装成功。在终端...
提示couldn't start forwarding DNS server: starting listeners: listening on udp addr
cd "C:\Program Files\AdGuard_Home" .\AdGuardHome.exe --service install 执行命令 当提示AdGuard Home is successfully installed and will automatically start on boot.即表示 AdGuard Home 在当前系统上安装成功。在命令行中会显示管理后台的地址与端口,默认为 http://IP:3000。
[Other] iOS Assistant is incorrectlty placed on the site#463 [Other] tieba.baidu.com - AdGuard toolbar is missing#416 AdGuard iOS版 1.3.0 更新日期:2017年8月22日 This is a rather small update. A couple of important fixes like broken filter search, several minor UI changes + updated tran...
Home Assistant add-on by @frenck OpenWrt LUCI app by @kongfl888 (originally by @rufengsuixing) Prometheus exporter for AdGuard Home by @ebrianne AdGuard Home on GLInet routers by Gl-Inet Cloudron app by @gramakri Acknowledgments This software wouldn't have been possible without: Go and its...
We also provide anofficial AdGuard Home docker imageand anofficial Snap Store package. Other Some other unofficial options include: (Maintained by @frenck)Home Assistant add-on. (Maintained by @kongfl888)OpenWrt LUCI app. (Maintained by @graysky2)Arch Linux,Arch Linux ARM, and other Arch-ba...
AdGuard Home Remote: iOS app by Joost. Python library by @frenck. Home Assistant add-on by @frenck. OpenWrt LUCI app by @kongfl888 (originally by @rufengsuixing). AdGuardHome sync by @bakito. Terminal-based, real-time traffic monitoring and statistics for your AdGuard Home instance by ...