飞牛os安装Adguard Home实现公司内广告过滤及内部dns解析,macpro垃圾桶企业内网服务器折腾系列之三起点vlog 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 1156 0 03:36 App 飞牛os安装nginx proxy manager,释放飞牛占用的80和443端口---39元1年天翼云服务器折腾系列 2084 0 03:32 App 利用飞牛os,5分钟...
dockerkubernetesdockerfiledocker-composegrafanapi-holeshadowsocksnginx-proxyminiogosttraefikzerotierdockerizedbitwardenpromethueshome-labadguard-hometailscalecloudflare-tunnelsing-box UpdatedNov 15, 2024 Dockerfile A very aggressive filter-list that consolidates over 370 lists for use in AdGuard Home, Pi-Hole...
$ docker volume create nginx-vol $ docker volume ls $ docker volume inspect nginx-vol 1. 2. 3. 4. 7.1.2 挂载数据卷 # 把新建的 nginx-vol 数据卷挂载到 /usr/share/nginx/html # 建议使用 --mount,更通用 $ docker run -d -it --name=nginx1 --mount src=nginx-vol,dst=/usr/share/ngi...
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Prerequisites I have checked the Wiki and Discussions and found no answer I have searched other issues and found no duplicates I want to report a bug and not ask a question or ask for help I have set up AdGuard Home correctly and configu...