Most ad blockers are browser extensions that can’t remove all types of ads. If you’re using more than one browser, you’ll need to install an ad-blocking extension for each of them. And if you want to block ads in apps, you just won’t be able to. ...
The release of AdGuard AdBlocker extension v3.5.12 was preceded by four betas the version numbers of which look like Fibonacci sequence: 3.5.3, 3.5.5, 3.5.8 (and 3.5.12 falling out of line)… Seems like we’re getting close to the golden ratio! We hope that you’ll find the changes...
## AdGuard AdBlocker 可以这样: 1. 拦截所有广告,包括: - 视频广告(还包括 Youtube 视频广告~) - 各种媒体广告,例如视频广告,插播广告和浮动广告! - 令人讨厌的弹窗广告。 - 横幅广告和文字广告(包括 Facebook 广告~) 2. 加速页面载入,节省带宽,屏蔽广告和弹窗!wow 3. 拦截各种间谍软件,广告软件...
## AdGuard AdBlocker 可以这样: 1. 拦截所有广告,包括: - 视频广告(还包括 Youtube 视频广告~) - 各种媒体广告,例如视频广告,插播广告和浮动广告! - 令人讨厌的弹窗广告。 - 横幅广告和文字广告(包括 Facebook 广告~) 2. 加速页面载入,节省带宽,屏蔽广告和弹窗!wow 3. 拦截各种间谍软件,广告软件和拨号安装...
Ad blocker with advanced privacy protection features AdGuard is a fast and lightweight ad blocking browser extension that effectively blocks all types of ads and trackers.|Reddit|Twitter|Telegram AdGuard is a fast and lightweight ad blocking browser extension that effectively blocks all ty...
Ad blocker with advanced privacy protection features AdGuard is a fast and lightweight ad blocking browser extension that effectively blocks all types of ads and trackers.|Reddit|Twitter|Telegram AdGuard is a fast and lightweight ad blocking browser extension that effectively blocks all ty...
Ad blocker with advanced privacy protection features AdGuard is a fast and lightweight ad blocking browser extension that effectively blocks all types of ads and trackers.|Reddit|Twitter|Telegram AdGuard is a fast and lightweight ad blocking browser extension that effectively blocks all ty...
Chrome浏览器插件- Edge浏览器插件: ...
我自建的服务,添加了以下拦截列表,给大家免费用 - AdGuard DNS filter - AdAway Default Blocklist - AdGuard DNS Popup Hosts filter - CHN: AdRules DNS List - CHN: anti-AD - AWAvenue Ads Rule - WindowsSpyBlocker - anti-AD - easylist 共5 张 jqknono 12-25 0 为什么客户端里面出现了很多...
我自建的服务,添加了以下拦截列表,给大家免费用 - AdGuard DNS filter - AdAway Default Blocklist - AdGuard DNS Popup Hosts filter - CHN: AdRules DNS List - CHN: anti-AD - AWAvenue Ads Rule - WindowsSpyBlocker - anti-AD - easylist 共5 张 jqknono 12-25 0 为什么客户端里面出现了很多...