“IT'S TIME..该机为游戏中的boss机,由最强僚机变二五仔后获得的试验机。我对战斗机的喜爱就是由《皇牌空战零》所启蒙的。当时在权衡制作、成本、体积等等因素后选择了144比例,且十几年持续这个爱好至今。在寿屋开坑皇牌
Auto Credit Based on IcePhoenix's ADFX-01 Morgan The ADF-02 Morgan is one of my favorite Ace Combat planes and is the first addition to my JNO collection. Controls Slider Down - Flaps AG 2 - Slats AG 3 - TLS AG 4 - Drop weapons AG 8 - Landing Gear Missiles Are Stage...
http://www.simpleplanes.com/a/7O8wZd/ADFX-02-Morgan-Pixy 游戏 单机游戏 游戏视频 新人 单机 简单飞机 作者航空公司 发消息 !up开学了只有周六下午和周日上午有时间 ! 我的小号:核弹航空公司能劝一个是一个,不起眼的东西长头发巨猛! 墨西哥银魂 ...
※This item is also available in the ACE COMBAT™ 7 SKIES UNKNOWN Season Pass. Please be careful of duplicate purchases. The 3rd add-on included in the season pass. This set includes the following Obtainable Aircraft ADFX-01 Morgan A large multirole
参考彩虹熊大佬作品绘制的魔改Morgan镇楼 来自皇牌空战吧 联邦时舰企业号 梅莉贝尔-赫恩07-10 82 adfx型C系列 重型飞机成功上舰,并起飞…… 1,对准甲板…… 2,着舰成功(速度是0.5m可以证明) 3,刹车,开最大油门,准备起飞…… 4,释放油门,就这么彪出去了…… 5,就这么彪出去了…… ad 来自坎巴拉太空计...
The Morgan was first produced by the South Belka Munitions plant. It is a twin to the ADFX-02 Morgan, albeit it can only carry one special weapon. Being the first of the Advance Dominance Fighter program, it was designed to surpass any mass produced aircraft. It was found and confiscated...
5回复贴,共1页 <返回皇牌空战吧 更新ADFX 01 Morgan 只看楼主收藏回复 DUALSHOCK3 中尉 7 贴图麻烦 /div>送TA礼物 回复 1楼2007-12-27 00:01 DUALSHOCK3 中尉 7 半成的ADFX-02 ,太喜欢了,刚做好机体就忍不住贴上涂装 回复 2楼2007-12-27 00:06 ...