… ELSIF 条件=值n THEN RETURN(翻译值n) ELSE RETURN(缺省值) END IF 用法2: decode(字段或字段的运算,值1,值2,值3)...这个函数运行的结果是,当字段或字段的运算的值等于值1时,该函数返回值2,否则返回值3 当然值1,值2,值3也可以是表达式,这个函数使得某些sql语句简单了许多其实它的用法和case when ...
else if("warn".equals(level)) fm.setSeverity(fm.SEVERITY_WARN); else if("error".equals(level)) fm.setSeverity(fm.SEVERITY_ERROR); else if("fatal".equals(fm.SEVERITY_FATAL)) fm.setSeverity(fm.SEVERITY_FATAL); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, fm); } --- 14.行拷贝 代...
the EL (Expression Language) data binding syntax, introduced in UIX 2.2, is used. Ifdatais specified, thedata:syntax, which was the only data binding syntax for all versions of UIX through UIX 2.1.x, is used. If this parameter is not specified, the applications defaults to expect...
public static void popupMessage(String level,String detail){ FacesMessage fm = new FacesMessage(null,detail);//默认级别 为info if("info".equals(level)) fm.setSeverity(fm.SEVERITY_INFO); else if("warn".equals(level)) fm.setSeverity(fm.SEVERITY_WARN);...
if (value != null && value instanceof Number) { double dVal = ((Number)value).doubleValue(); if (dVal <= low) { color = "background-color:" + ColorUtils.colorToHTML(m_belowColor) + ";"; } else if (dVal > low && dVal <= high) ...
<user-time-zone-config xmlns= "http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/usertimezone/config"> <user-timezone expression= "EL exp" /> </user-time-zone-config> このEL式が評価されて現在のエンド・ユーザーのタイム・ゾーンが決定されるか、この値はJavaVMのタイム・ゾーンにデフォルト設定され...
if(button. ...) returntrue; else returnfalse; } This technique could be quite useful when it comes to rendering components inside some iterator (or list view or table, etc.) and we need to evaluate component’s attribute value dynamically depending on the exact component instance. ...
if (l.size()>0) selectedItem = l.get(0).getName(); } return selectedItem; } //Resolving EL expressions public static Object resolveExpression(String expression) { FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); Application app = facesContext.getApplication(); ...
if ( item instanceof RichInputText ) { RichInputText input = (RichInputText)item; if ( !input.isDisabled() ) { input.resetValue() ; adfFacesContext.addPartialTarget(input); }; } else if ( item instanceof RichInputDate ) { RichInputDate input = (RichInputDate)item; if ( !input.is...