一般来说,澳洲大学只要求提供5个学期的成绩单,提交申请、获得有条件录取通知书后,同学们还有2-3个月的时间来准备雅思考试和签证申请,最快当年7月可以入学。 方案二:2026春季入学 适合人群:想充分准备或短时间无法考出雅思6.5及以上的同学 对于短时...
the governance reform plan and revised rules of IEC were approved. Also, the financial audit report of 2020 and the financial budget and membership fee of 2022 were approved. The winner of Lord Kelvin Award was announced, and the date and revenue of IEC General Meetings from 2022 to 2026 ...
and Navitas is the world’s first semiconductor company to be certified as CarbonNeutral™. In total, GaN and SiC are expected to save 6 Gtons of CO2 per year by 2026, as we work to “Electrify Our World”.
8月28日,哥伦比亚大学为2026届新生举办了开学典礼,标志着哥大新生正式开启他们的本科学习之旅。 在哥大的开学典礼上,校长Lee C. Bollinger发表开学演说,在他的演讲中,Bollinger回顾了他在哥伦比亚大学度过的生活:“心灵上的修炼是我毕生的工作。” Boll...