ADF SSIS 套件執行事件訊息內容
ACSChatIncomingOperations ACSEmailSendMailOperational ACSEmailStatusUpdateOperational ACSEmailUserEngagementOperational ACSJobRouterIncomingOperations ACSRoomsIncomingOperations ACSSMSIncomingOperations ADAssessmentRecommendation ADFActivityRun ADFAirflowSchedulerLogs ADFAirflowTaskLogs ADFAirflowWebLogs ADFAirflowWorkerLogs ...
如果Copy data活动执行成功,那么管道将沿着OnSuccess的控制流,执行“Send Success Email”这一分支,发送成功Copy操作的详细信息; 如果Copy data活动执行失败,那么管道将沿着OnFailure的控制流,执行“Send Fail Email”这一分支,发送Copy操作失败的详细信息。 1,OnSuccess分支 每一个Activity都会默认创建一个OnSuccess控制...
CREATE TABLE \"schema1\".target_for_upsert_0001 (\n col_2_serial SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n col_2_smallint SMALLINT,\n col_2_integer INTEGER,\n col_2a_integer INTEGER,\n col_2_bigint BIGINT,\n col_2_decimal DECIMAL(10, 2),\n col_2_numeric NUMERIC(10, 2),\n col_2_real REAL,...
ADF-MF-12039: Unable to send email as email service is not available on this device. Cause: The email Activity could not be found. Action: Verify this device is provisioned for email. Level: 1 Type: ERROR Impact: Logging ADF-MF-12040: Unable to inject Query String data into the web...
I'm getting an error in ADF when running the pipeline but the message gives no hint regarding where to start debugging. Any help would be much appreciated
TriggerRuns 可用性 提供触发器运行的可用性。 query // To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule' ADFTriggerRun | where Status != 'Running' and Status != 'Waiting' and Status != 'WaitingOnDependency' | where TriggerFailureType != 'UserError' | summarize availability =...
Artikel 23.02.2024 PipelineRuns-Verfügbarkeit Gibt die Verfügbarkeit der Pipelineausführungen an. query // To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule' ADFPipelineRun | where Status != 'InProgress' and Status != 'Queued' | where FailureType != 'UserError' | summarize...
since this happens in javascript and javascript is not supported by email agents. You need to set the width attribute on the af:column components. ADF Faces Repeated Components by af:forEach and af:iterator ADF Faces components do not support persisting customization changes if the component i...
The table component has some known issues in emailable page mode.The Total/Subtotal rows of the table are not bold in Outlook. The application developer would need to define the bold style directly on their outputText. (8554509) The detailStamp, if disclosed, does not render as disclosed ...