ADENOCARCINOMA DE INTESTINO DELGADO COM METSTASE HEPTICA EM PACIENTE PORTADORA DA SNDROME DE PEUTZ㎎EGHERS: RELATO DE CASOEndometriosis is a disease characterized by the presence of ectopic endometrial glands and stroma. Although its etiology is undefined, it is suggested to be a result of ...
Primary small bowel adenocarcinoma is an uncommon tumour, with non-specific symptoms that cause a delay in the diagnosis and consequently a worse outcome for the patient. We analyse our experience in the management of this disease. We performed a retrospective study of our experience with 17 patie...
A case of perforated small bowel adenocarcinoma presenting as first symptom of Crohn's disease is reported in a 53 years old male patient with abdominal pain and alteration of bowel habits. Endoscopic bioptical sampling demonstrated a Crohn's disease in active stage. The patient underwent medical ...
Tumor compuesto de intestino grueso: adenocarcinoma mucinoso y carcinoma neuroendocrino de célula grande. A propósito de un casoComposite tumorsMucinous carcinomaLarge cell neuroendocrine carcinomaPrimary composite tumours of the intestine are rare and are characterised by the presence of glandular and ...