She then recalled her ability to wield swords from the Aether, after which she defeated the guards before escaping with Jerome. As they hid, Adelaide heard the guards refer to Jerome as a petty thief, yelling out that it would be better for him to turn himself in and pay for his sins...
I was a skinny kid before the age of 7. After I learned how to swim, I developed an insatiable appetite, and soon ballooned into what most people would call "a fattie". So, from the first grade in elementary school onward, I was consistently the fattest,...
It can modify line breaks before, during and after code blocks; it can perform text wrapping and paragraph line break removal. lervag/vimtex - VimTeX: A modern Vim and neovim filetype plugin for LaTeX files. hendricius/the-sourdough-framework - Open source book dedicated to helping you to...
“Neither of us did anything wrong. Neither of us hurt each other or anything like that. It was just: I want my son to see me really love, and be loved. It’s really important to me.” She says she and Konecki were broken up for some time before they told people. (Adele filed ...
As a body parts model, I needed an exceptional moisturizer that would nourish my skin with the right ingredients and keep it hydrated fromhead to toe. Something that would give thathealthyglow, even in high-def macro closeup photography. ...
** (The figure of 54 weeks at No. 1 combines the set’s time atop separate stereo and mono LP charts before the Billboard 200 became a singular ranking the week of Aug. 17, 1963.) “21” also turns one-year old on the Billboard 200 as it claims its 52nd week on the ...
In the time of the April lilacs in the year 1865, Lincoln's death, the casket with his body was carried northwest a thousand miles and the American people wept as never before. During the four years he was President, he at times, especially in the first three months, took to himself ...
hardly taller than a roe deer although much heavier. I have seen reindeer in the wild once before – woodland caribou in a Canadian Rockies herd that has now gone extinct – and can imagine them, perhaps, roaming the North Downs in the Pleistocene, leaving their disproportionately enormous hoof...
a heavy burden on its back until,after breaking through the rosy clouds ;it completely emerged from the sea aglow with a lovely red. Then,before I knew it, the dark red orb began to shine blazingly, dazzling my eyes until they stung and all of a sudden lighting up the surrounding ...
15.Shoot now: The “golden hour,” just after sunrise and before sunset, produces the prettiest shadows and colors for photographs. 15.摄影的“黄金时间”是日落后和日出前的短暂时间,此时能拍出光影和色彩都堪称完美的照片。 16.Auroras light up the night sky when solar wind particles excite atoms...