As a capital city council, we are responsible for delivering a wide range of services and facilities that contribute to building strong and vibrant communities. If you’re looking for a role where you can be part of the community you live and study in, have a look at what we have to of...
A Community Biochar Centreis proposed for Macclesfield, South Australia that will convert dry organic waste from local households, landowners and businesses to biochar and thereby capture carbon, offset and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create voluntary carbon offsets to trade. Biochar is a form...
Adelaide Hills Council (AHC) (2013) Adelaide Hills Council biodiversity strategy, Adelaide Hills: AHC, 5. [110] 109. Department of the Environment, Australian Government, Australia's 15 National Biodiversity Hotspots, Canberra: Australian Government, 2006. Available from: http://www.environment....