Assembler就是加强版本的Explorer, 主要有以下新功能。 1,multi-tb, 多个仿真test bench一起去跑,并且支持tb之间的数据比较。通过点击,蓝色小箭头快速切换Exploror/Assembler。 2, Results tab这边右键可以开启Multi-test editor,更高效的配置仿真设置。 3,在Data view里,history, 历史仿真数据,可以加载, 可以点击cre...
修改仿真器ADE Assembler/Explorer/XL/L 默认仿真结果路径 (simulation results directory location) 红色框为要设置的路径 有小伙伴私信问我这个问题,一般公司里面IT 已经帮忙设置好了,要是不知道又懒的谷歌的,可以在项目路径下的 .cdsinit 文件下加这么一行 envSetVal("asimenv.startup""projectDir"'string"./sim...
在ADE Explorer 中, 找到Session-> Load State这栏, 选择 ADE L State 文件,将其转换为maestro 视图。 使用maeMigrateADEXLToMaestro和maeMigrateADELStateToMaestroSKILL 函数 您可以使用maeMigrateADEXLToMaestroSKILL函数,从ADE XL 视图来产生 maestro视图 ,而且这样产生的 maestro 视图,也能通过 ADE Assembler 打开。
打开ADE Assembler界面如上图所示,基本与ADE XL一致,IC617和IC618界面也很相近,略有不同,但是不影响使用。 在左侧Data View的最下面,有一个Checks/Asserts项目,这就是电路检查项目,首先添加test设置,只需要load之前ADE L仿真保存的state即可。 接下来,勾选并展开Checks/Asserts选项,点击「Click to edit checks」,...
如何利用ADE Assembler检查电路中的floating gate? 上一次分享的关于floating gate检查的内容有不少人反映操作步骤很多,有时候按照步骤一步步来可以把流程走通,但是抛开教程就无从下手,所以这里再次分享一个简单一点的版本,希望帮助大家完善设计流程。 实现思路
Virtuoso ADE Explorer and Assembler S4: Monte Carlo Analysis, Real-Time Tuning and Run Plans(opens in a new tab) Learning Objectives After completing this course, you will be able to: Start the Virtuoso ADE Assembler environment and set up single and multiple tests in the environment ...
Virtuoso ADE Assembler includes the capabilities of Virtuoso ADE Explorer and extends them to maximize your productivity. Specification-driven tests and variation analysis support: Perform varied analyses, including corners, Monte Carlo, and reliability testing across multiple tests simultaneously ...
Virtuoso ® ADE L stateやVirtuoso ® ADE XL viewを開くとき、デフォルトのアプリケーションが、以前の古いADE LまたはXLにセットされていることが面倒だと感じた事はありませんか?すでに Virtuoso ® ADE Assembler や Virtuoso ® ADE Explorer に移行済みであ
ade assembler中global variables的用法-回复 Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is closely related to machine code. It is often used in the development of embedded systems, operating systems, and device drivers. One important concept in assembly language programming is the use...
It has been brought up a few times in various code reviews that clang 3.5 introduced -f{,no-}integrated-as as the preferred way to enable and disable the integrated assembler, mentioning that -{no-,}integrated-as are now considered legacy flags. Switch the kernel over to using those varian...