High Budget:Totem Medium Budget:PLUR Package (Medium-Low Budget) – kandi, rave essentials, candy, etc. can make a great PLUR Package (check out this tutorial from Aura Life With Ash) Low Budget:DIY Festival Lineup,Festival Wristband Memorabilia, Kandi,Festival Sunglasses Hobby If someone has ...
,LIVIA,Paparazzi,RAWR!,,Style Post,Suicidal Unborn,VELOUR.Leave a comment [BODY] Hair:Ade– Dear Society – AdeDarma Body:SlinkPhysique Hourglass Mesh Body (Redux) V4.2.1 – Siddean Munro Head: [AK ADVX] – Luna Head – KaoZ Koba Eyes:Avi-GlamRogue Eyes – BoM – 08 @TMD– Eye Da...
tel est le titre de l'intervention de R. Trousson. Diderot ne semble retenir du theatre grec que les scenes violentes exprimant la « nature» et le « vrai ». Lorsqu'on reproduira « les effets terribles» de cc theatre, pense-t-il, on aura retrouve la fonction premiere...
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To be elegant is to exude an aura of sophistication and understated beauty. It is the result of carefully chosen words, impeccable manners, and a genuine sense of style. To translate the word "优雅" (yōu yǎ) into English, one can use the term "elegant" or "graceful." These words ...
He has a long, flowing white beard that reaches his chest, and he wears a worn-out hat that adds to his mysterious aura. His dog, a playful golden retriever, matches his owner's energy and always seems to be smiling. They make quite the pair as they stroll through the park, ...
get = function(info) return TotemTimers.ActiveProfile.LavaSurgeAura end, }, lavasurgeglow = { order = 12, type = "toggle", name = L["Lava Surge Glow"], desc = L["Lava Surge Glow Desc"], set = function(info, val) TotemTimers.ActiveProfile.LavaSurgeGlow = val T...