Recording of the muscle activity in abductors and adductors in hip alterations of individuals with cerebral palsyIn cerebral palsy, both major hip injury and limitations in walking seem to depend on overall tone disorders involving both adductor and abductor muscles.AlíMorell, O.J...
skeletal muscle,striated muscle- a muscle that is connected at either or both ends to a bone and so move parts of the skeleton; a muscle that is characterized by transverse stripes musculus adductor brevis- the short adductor muscle of the thigh ...
5 Exercises to Strengthen Your Hip Abductors What are the hip adductors and how do they help with running? Four muscles make up the main hip adductors, including the adductor longus, adductor brevis, gracilis, and adductor magnus. At their most basic function, the adductors help bring your...
Assessment of iso- kinetic peak torque reliability of the hip flexor,ex- tensor, adductors and abductors muscles in female soccer players from 14 to 25 years old[J]. J Sports Med Phys Fitness,2016,56(7-8):843-848.Santos Andrade M, Mascarin NC, Benedito - Silva AA, et al. As- sess...
Additionally, the balance in isometric strength of the dominant and non-dominant hip Abd-Add muscles were evaluated. Two maximum attempts interspersed with one-minute rest intervals were performed. Results: The t-test revealed statistically significant higher absolute and relative isometric strength of ...
abductorsLateralbalanceNeuromuscularperformancePowertrainingAge-related neuromuscular changes in the hip abductor-adductor muscles lead to reduced performance, especially in the rate of force development and power production. These alterations may impair weight transfer control and lateral balance recovery through...