Adductor longus Adductor brevis The adductor muscles are located in the inner portion of the upper thigh. Adductor Magnus Muscle Theadductor magnusis a long, triangular-shaped muscle located in the inner portion of the upper thigh. The word ''magnus'' meanslargein Latin, and it is the largest...
The examined muscles include vastus lateralis and medialis, biceps femoris and adductor longus. The EMG traces of m. adductor longus show an adductor longus avoidance gait for a small part of subjects, which does not depend on gender and age. The results suggest that the reduced rotation of ...
Noun1.musculus adductor longus- the long adductor muscle of the thigh adductor,adductor muscle- a muscle that draws a body part toward the median line thigh- the part of the leg between the hip and the knee Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University...
which means “toward” and “ducere”, which means “to lead”. The second word in these two muscle names refers to the size of the muscle. The word brevis is a Latin word meaning short and the word longus is a Latin word meaning long. So, you could put the words together...
(redirected from adductor longus (muscle))Also found in: Dictionary, Medical. Graphic Thesaurus 🔍 Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> thighadductor muscleadductormusculus a... noun Words related to musculus adductor longus nounthe long adductor muscle of the...
网络内收长肌;长收肌;长内收肌 网络释义
muscle of medial (adductor) compartment of thigh; origin, symphysis and crest of pubis; insertion, middle third of medial lip of linea aspera; action, adducts thigh; nerve supply, obturator. Synonym(s): musculus adductor longus [TA], long adductor muscle Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © ...
As the adductor magnus is such an important muscle it regularly becomes injured. Generally rest and ice will help to resolve the problem although due to the frequent use of the muscle a complete recovery may take some time depending on the severity of the problem. Injuries to the adductor mu...
The primary action of the muscle is adduction of the thumb, but it is also involved in moving the thumb toward the index finger. Adduction occurs when the thumb is brought back in line with the palm of the hand, usually when it was already abducted away from this plane. Although the mus...
5.adductormuscle scar收肌筋痕 6.adductormuscle收肌;肉柱;内收肌 7.anterioradductormuscle前闭壳肌(动)... 8.adductorcanal亨特氏管,收肌管... 9.adductorreflex内收肌反射 10.adductorlongus长收肌 用法例句 1. Let´s learn something aboutAdductorBrevis. ...