If you haven't guessed just yet, adduction is simply the opposite of abduction. Picture that jumping jack again. After you've finished the first half and pulled both your arms and legs away from your midline, you've got to pull 'em back in so you land with your feet together and ar...
When the leg assumes single stance phase and is weight bearing, the ipsilateral abductors are solely responsible for stabilizing the pelvis and the superimposed HAT (head, arms and torso) against the effects of gravity. Levangie & Norkin (2005) explain: The force of gravity acting on HAT and...
(3 and 4) side, which are attached to hinges (5 and 6).the hinges (5 and 6) are attached movable arms (7 and 8) and sidewalls (3, 4) are placed sensors (9 and 10) which are connected with a set of mikrokontrolerowym (11) and a display (12), situated on the basis (2)...
Movement of a part of the body towards the median plane is which of the following? (a) Flexion (b) Extension (c) Abduction (d) Adduction. Human Kinesiology: Human kinesiology is the study of the movements of the human body. Th...
(3 and 4) side, which are attached to hinges (5 and 6).the hinges (5 and 6) are attached movable arms (7 and 8) and sidewalls (3, 4) are placed sensors (9 and 10) which are connected with a set of mikrokontrolerowym (11) and a display (12), situated on the basis (2)...
The participants begun seated with their feet placed shoulder width apart with their arms by their side, from which they were instructed to stand upright. 2.3. Experimental Procedures All musculoskeletal models were constructed in AnyBody Modeling System (AMS) v.7.0 (Anybody Technology A/S, Aalborg...