$ ASAN_OPTIONS='debug=1:verbosity=3' ./test ==10566==Parsed ASAN_OPTIONS: debug=1:verbosity=3 ==10566==AddressSanitizer CHECK failed: ../../../../libsanitizer/asan/asan_rtl.cc:556 "((!asan_init_is_running && "ASan init calls itself!")) != (0)" (0x0, 0x0) <empty stack>...
I got the following report from HWASAN. The error "((random_buffer_)) != (0) looks like failed assertion inside hwasan, not anything to do with my code. In addition, there is nothing from my code in the stack trace. https://github.com/ll...
缓冲区溢出, ASan 提供stack-buffer-underflow,stack-buffer-overflow,heap-buffer-underflow,heap-buffer-overflow,global-buffer-overflow情况下的检测 空指针引用, ASan 支持 悬垂指针,ASan 支持 使用未初始化的内存,ASan 不支持,可以由 MemorySanitizer 提供 非法释放内存 (重复释放内存或者释放一个未经分配的指针),A...