1.2Delivery Address The delivery address specifies the location to which the USPS is to deliver a mailpiece. Except for mail prepared with detached address labels under4.0, the piece must have the address of the intended recipient, visible and legible, only on the side of the piece bearing pos...
Qualcomm just announced a suite of new products that specifically address the new complexi- ties associated with the LTE air interface. With a couple of potential exceptions, these products are not necessarily revolutionary since there are other companies promoting solutions that are,...
</S:Body> </S:Envelope> 3. Message Information HeadersThis section defines the model and syntax of a message information header.The message information headers collectively augment a message with the following abstract properties:[destination] : URI (mandatory) The address of the intended receiver ...
According to the mapping rules stated before, the address value is copied in the "To" header and the "CustomerKey" element should be copied literally as a header in a SOAP message addressed to this endpoint. The SOAP message would look as follows: <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://www.w3.or...