The perceived and substantive damages that automated, adversarial users inflict on an application degrade its enjoyment and usability by legitimate users, and result in reputation and revenue loss for the application's service provider.;This dissertation examines three challenges critical to addressing the...
1Društvo za pomoč osebam z depresijo in anksioznimi motnjami, Ilirska 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2School of Applied Social Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Lord Hope Building, 141 St James Road, Glasgow G4 0LT, Scotland, United Kingdom 3University Ljubljana, Medical faculty, Zalo...
After approval by the University's Institutional Review Board, the survey was distributed electronically using student email addresses. In an attempt to increase the response rate, students were offered the opportunity to participate in a lottery for two $50 gift cards. Distribution of the survey ...