With low-income housing directly across the street (including daycare), a school on one side, and university offices on another, it has been the center of long-term stakeholder concern, including demands from a US Senator to shut it down. The site has generated more complaints to the South...
taxation, compensation, and structural issues related to access, social services, and infrastructure. Other variables certainly impact these obstacles, and the demographic and cultural diversity of America means a one-size-fits-all explanation is fraught with difficulties. Nevertheless, we ...
— Senator Pat Toomey (@SenToomey)May 10, 2022 To date, lawmakers have deferred or otherwise been unable to come to an agreement on many of the bills proposing to regulate stablecoins in the United States. In February, New Jersey Representative Josh Gottheimerintroduced a bill, the St...
On the federal level, Senator Marco Rubiointroducedwhat he called theAmerican Data Dissemination Act(and used the acronym “ADD Act”), which he presents as a federal data protection bill which would require the FTC to promulgate national regulations on data protection and would explicitly preempt ...
To provide context for these steps, it is helpful to proceed as mathematicians often do when proving a theorem—by showing what will not work. First, absent any change to the status quo, health care businesses and their boards, even not-for-profit entities, cannot be relied on to av...
Joseph I. Lieberman is the senior US Senator from Connecticut,and a regular attendee of the...Lieberman, Joseph I