Whether or not the letter is properly addressed on both the envelope and header sets the tone for the rest of the letter. Choosing the right language is important to portray respect to the recipient and set a professional tone. As well as keeping the meaning of the letter in perspective whe...
•Toknowanother’slanguageandnothiscultureisaverywaytomakeafluentfoolofone’sself.---WinstonBrembeck•学习别人的语言而不学习人家的文化完全就是把自己变成是一个能说会道的傻瓜。跨文化交际/sarahzhao •Developinginterculturalawarenessusuallygoesalongwithlearninganewlanguageandbeingexposedtoanewculture.Intercult...
The article does not cover how to close the letter. There are two phrases in British correspondence. "Yours sincerely" if you have addressed the letter to a named person eg "Mrs Brown" "Yours faithfully" if you have addressed the letter to "Dear Sir or Madam"...