to put the directions for delivery on:to address a letter. [~+oneself+to+obj] to direct the energy or efforts of:to address oneself to a task. WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2025 ad•dress(n.ə dres′, ad′res;v.ə dres′),USA pronunciatio...
aWhereas the term "label" always represents an address, the term "symbol" is more general. Labels are 而期限“标签”总代表地址,期限“标志”是更加一般的。 标签是[translate]
Word History and Origins Origin ofaddress1 First recorded in 1300–50;Middle Englishadressen“to adorn,” fromMiddle Frenchadresser;a-5,dress Discover More Synonym Study Seespeech. Discover More Example Sentences She said she had met with senior representatives from both fire services to discuss how...
For example, if the object size is 1 byte, the following example is a range of 8 bytes, beginning at the address 0x00001000.dbgcmd Copy 0x00001000 L8 However, if the object size is a double word (32 bits or 4 bytes), the following two ranges each give an 8-byte range....
a. The standard says the default value of dynamicAddress is on. In Word, the default value of dynamicAddress is off.
OpenXml.Wordprocessing.OnOffType 继承 Object OpenXmlElement OpenXmlLeafElement OnOffType DynamicAddress 注解 [ISO/IEC 29500-1 第 1 版] dynamicAddress (使用 Country-Based 地址字段排序) 此元素指定 AddressBlock MERGEFIELD 字段的内容应基于与当前记录关联的国家/地区或地址字段的国家/地区固定版...
If you’re looking up the symbol for a variable, then for a DLL or EXE with a “Relocated Data Address Range” the variable would fall inside that range; for a DLL or EXE that does not have relocated data, the variable would fall inside the image address range. So you may need ...
12. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) to enter (a word, item, etc) in an index 13. to point out; indicate 14. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to index-link 15. (Mechanical Engineering) to move (a machine or a workpiece held in a machine tool) so that one particular operation...
Word DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office. Word. Y2020. Oembed DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office.Y2022.FeaturePropertyBag DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office.Y2022.RichValueRel DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.CustomUI DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Drawing DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Drawing.ChartDrawing DocumentFormat...
ATGAGL Resources(stock symbol) ATGA Touch of Glass(now Henigman Remodeling & Glass; Forsyth, GA) ATGAttorneys Title Guaranty(Illinois) ATGAnti-Thymocyte Globulin ATGAdvanced Technology Group ATGAdvisory Task Group ATGAll Terrain Grade(Dell computer) ...