一.说明 在SAP组织架构配置中,公司代码(Company Code)、工厂(Plant)、销售组织(Sales Organization)、装运点(shipping point)等都需要维护地址信息,操作界面可见到维护地址按钮( ),点击进入弹出对话框,维护地址明细,包括名称、搜索项、城市、国家、邮编,以及联系方式等。这些地址明细并不存放在配置对象(如公司代码、工...
ADDRNUMBER是地址编号,在 SAP 系统中,包括企业内部、客户、供应商等在内的所有组织机构都会分配一个地址编号,主表为 ADRC(主键还包含有效期和国家),在 ADR* 系列表中都是主键的一部分(在这些表里,地址编号和人员编号是多对多的关系)。 KOSTL是成本中心,在我们的应用里,没有用到这个字段,从字面理解,每个登录用...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear All, Can any one plz tell me where is the address number field in XD02 whih is ADRNR in KNA1 table.Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Former Member 2008 Jun 17 12:38 PM 0 Kudos 147 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi! You can't see this...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development HI... so you would to add another address number on a customer anagraphic right? so, if you add a custom field, in the customer anagraphic table (kna1), you have another field for store the new address number. if you enter in kna 1, on the upp...
I check the BAPI BAPI_FUNCLOC_CREATE and it does not have a place to add the partner function and the partner number. Regards, Aditya Sahai. Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2015 May 28 10:20 AM 0 Kudos 650 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Aditya, I...
1. 地址号码 SAP 术语 – 2 | thelinguahouse ... address node 地址节点address number地址号码address object type 地址对象类型 ... wilson0603.wordpress.com|基于23个网页 2. 我原厂网址 方便告诉我原厂网址(Address Number) & 如何查阅吗 ? 感恩! (IMG:http://vw-golf.tw/style_emoticons/default/em...
SAP Managed Tags: NW ABAP Print and Output Management NW ABAP Print and Output Management Software Product Function View products (1) Hi Gurus, I am giving an address number(adrnr) in address window to get the address for particular customer, in that I want the <b>Name should be in ...
delete(addressId: string, person: string, ordinalNumber: string): DeleteRequestBuilderV2<AddressEmailAddress> delete(entity: AddressEmailAddress): DeleteRequestBuilderV2<AddressEmailAddress> Defined in packages/vdm/business-partner-service/AddressEmailAddressRequestBuilder....
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, The equivalent of the SAPscript ADDRESS / ENDADDRESS in smartforms is an address node. However for this to work you need the address number (the key to table ADRC) not the individual address fields that you have at the moment. Check your form inter...
Business Partner Number. Key identifying a business partner in the SAP system. The key is unique within a client. Maximum length: 10. Optional careOfName careOfName: undefined | string Implementation of BpContactToAddressType.careOfName Defined in packages/vdm/...