USPS Address Type: Business / Residential, Highrise / Street / Rural / PO Box USPS Address Status: Valid / Vacant / Non-Deliverable / APT missing / etc. Information Sources USPS (United States Postal Service) records Cost of Search
If the USPS won't verify your address, try using the address validator tool above as it references not only the USPS database but also Smarty's proprietary list of more than 20 million non-postal addresses that are verified as deliverable. How do I check a residential address? Simple. Use...
International address lookup Delivery point validation (DPV) Residential delivery indicator (RDI) Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) verification National Change of Address (NCOALink) database check Streamline operations with geographical data If your business relies on location intelligence, you’ll be...
Lookup, verify, parse, & standardize addresses for USPS, UPS, FedEx, & data cleansing. Provides address verification or address validation services worldwide.
AZipCode gives you the current location address and ZIP code by free ZIP code lookup or Address finder tool. You can search what is my zipcode here.
There are numerous reasons your mailing details reflect an unverified or insufficient address, making it essential to use theUSPS’s address lookup tool. First, let us discuss what a valid address is! It is any residential or commercial address entry that has a corresponding match in the USPS ...
Includes non-USPS (non-postal) addresses✅ Yes, Google includes non-postal addresses, increasing the volume of addresses in their database. Yay! Don't celebrate just yet. Remember, Google address autocomplete API allows untrained volunteers to add residential and business addresses to their ...
use \Nickcheek\USPSLookup\USPSLookup; Usage Set the USPS Username while creating the object: $lookup = new USPSLookup('XXXXXXXXX'); $response = $lookup->Address()->verify('123 Anystreet','','Little Rock','AR','72204'); var_dump($response); The above returns the following (I replace...
USPS Change of Address Forms Online, Don't Wait in Line at the Post Office for your Postal Address Change, File Online Now!
Address Verification for USPS & International Addresses. Try our easy-to-use APIs, list processing tools and more.