Commencement Address of Harvard University CommencementAddressofHarvardUniversity ByMaryRobinsonJune4,1998 PresidentRudenstine,fellowgraduates,friendsofHarvard:•It’sagreathonorandpleasuretobeinvitedtodaytosharethishappyoccasion,notonlywiththemembersofthegraduatingclassof1998,butalsowiththefamiliesandfriendswhohaveno...
commencement address of harvard university 下载积分: 800 内容提示: Commencement Address of Harvard University By Mary Robinson June 4,1 998 文档格式:PPT | 页数:7 | 浏览次数:45 | 上传日期:2021-03-26 14:32:04 | 文档星级: Commencement Address of Harvard University By Mary Robinson June 4,1...
Grand Valley State University Commencement Address大峡谷州立大学毕业典礼上的演讲 热度: Commencement Address of Harvard University By Mary Robinson June 4, 1998 President Rudenstine, fellow graduates, friends of Harvard: • It’s a great honor and pleasure to be invited today to ...
Moore-Evans, Smith, and Byers did not respond to multiple interview requests to elaborate on their reasons for leaving. A Harvard spokesperson said the university takes “seriously the co-chairs’ concerns” and will “learn from their advice and judgment.” ...
as the last brother with a degree from Harvard, maybe, at last, she will be satisfied. Another difficulty with giving a Harvard commencement address is that some of you may disapprove of the fact that I have borrowed material from previous speeches. I ask that you forgive me for two reason...
James Quandy
《An Address, Delivered Before the Society of the Alumni of Harvard University on Their Anniversary, August 27, 1844 (Classic Reprint)》是一本图书。内容简介 Excerpt from An Address, Delivered Before the ...
Commencement Address at Harvard University by J.K. Rowling President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates.The first thing I would like to say is ‘thank you.’ Not only has Harvard given me ...
哈佛大学是美国最早的私立大学,是以培养研究生和从事科学研究为主的综合性大学,哈佛大学的正式注册名称为:The President and Fellows of Harvard College,总地址是Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge。哈佛大学是全美第一所大学(第二所是威廉玛丽学院,第三所是耶鲁大学)。美国独立战争以来大量的革命先驱都出自于...